^lPICT Control supports four related types of controls:
ΓÇó Framed Picture. This control will adopt the appearance of the specified picture and draw a one pixel wide black frame around the control.
ΓÇó Unframed Picture ΓÇô same as the Framed Picture type above, but without the frame.
ΓÇó Framed TransparentΓÇá. This type of control draws nothing, but is surrounded by a one pixel wide black frame. This type of control is useful for hit-testing portions of one large picture over which the control has been placed.
ΓÇó Unframed TransparentΓÇá ΓÇô same as the Framed Transparent type above, but without the frame.
ΓÇáBe careful to test your use of this type of control before making any particular plans ΓÇô in general it should serve you well, but test it before making any assumptions.